Monday, 9 June 2008

The end of October

And so dear readers, Mister October did sit at another table.

The most wonderful grandmother dealt him a Royal Flush.

You can't beat a Royal Flush.

Mister October walked away from the tables a contented and happy man.

Possibly see you in November. Possibly!

Friday, 6 June 2008

The birth of Mister October

To my eternal shame at the age when I should expect 50% of the queen’s telegraph I met someone quite decent. While it was only short lived it did lead to the creation of Mister October.

I must admit I had developed a pretty decent handle on things, even the chaos that pursued my life, and that I think was what the lady found attractive. In a strange way I’m not so sure this was what I displayed to her. A child in a sweet shop may have done better.

She was a single mother with two girls who were in the process of trying to find their own identity. Like the whirlwind I can be I gave her what she wanted. I moved into her life, house and bed.

By way of thanks her oldest daughter nicknamed me Mister October.

Given it was the first of this month she reckoned with her mother’s track record that was about as long as I would last. It was about as long as any of her relationships lasted. I made it through to January. Not sure if all she really wanted was Santa Claus or a puppy for Christmas, either way she got both. Problem with puppies is they quickly grow, and by January 23rd the dog had gotten considerably larger and needed to be put down.

Unsure why so quick demise should have happened I retreated to Luxor, Egypt. At times I thought about trying and find a spare tomb to bury myself in. Not easy licking your wounds when your bollocks have been cut off. You tend to find you bleed profusely.

They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Screw that for wisdom. I did however revisit the part I played in my own life.

Had I overplayed my hand and lost the pot?

No, the truth is a lot simpler than that. We just weren’t right for each other.

When it comes to cards I’m really not very good at poker. I did learn one thing though. If I keep my hand closer to my chest and only deal when the time is right I can improve in the game, and maybe, just maybe one day actually win a trick or two.

Yes, I learned a lot from this particular lady. She had her own trouble to sift through. I hope she does. I may be a bad gambler but I’m improving. The whole episode wouldn’t stop me sitting at the next table and hoping next time to at least break even.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Getting back to the furniture (sorry future!)

The intrepid duo of Bill and Ben can never be far from your mind once you’ve opened up to their memory. Considering this was a hospital where gainful employment should have been taking place the potential for endless fun was not lost on this pair of jokers.

As a maintenance plumber Ben had ‘access all areas’ this included the hallowed ground of the nurse’s home. For the uninitiated a nurse’s home was a kind of NHS brothel. Not all the girls were of easy virtue I may add but where there is a congregation of young, willing and eager then it stands to reason some would be young, willing and eager. Many a gentleman caller would be smuggled past the sleeping security team. That after all is the job description of security guards the world over. They are employed primarily to sleep. Some of the more advanced types graduate to watching CCTV, or television by another name. In between sleep duties I may add.

Ben was not averse to helping himself to a couple of ladies under garments. The kind that had the double initialed store labels were not what this ‘panty’ thief was after. He only took the more evocative and provocative samples for his collection.

At this point you could be forgiven for thinking Ben was no more than a kinky old pervert. This could not have been further from the blind lady with the scales of justice. What Ben had in mind was depositing his ‘finds’ in a kind of treasure hunt. The only problem was you had no idea you were involved. The hiding places were usually under the passenger seat of your car or when he was feeling bolder the glove compartment. Try explaining that one to the wife.

Luckily I at this point in my life did not have a wife. Neither did I have a car. I did have a sense of humor though. Glad to have met these two rogues. They make the sofa a little more comfortable of an evening.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

I must do better

I have recently discovered a pain worse than broken limbs, and guess what I brought it all on myself. Thoughtless cretin that I am.

It's a delicious and sweet thrill to be romantically involved. It's also the worst pain possible when you mess up by your own hand.

Given the length of space I've wandered on this revolving rock you would have thought I had mastered the art of telling the truth. I have. Unfortunately with the male ego that surrounds my earthly presence I find it hard to admit my falability and the eventuality of fact only comes out in dribs and drabs. Painful indeed for the delicious lady asking the questions. I must seem like a real prat at times.

From my lofty peak the view is panoramic. But my overview is not from a position of mountainous ascent. No sir, it would be more reasonable to state what I survey is more likely to be from the cross I carry.

It would do me better to climb down and use the wood to start a fire. The blaze may even heat up the cavernous holes I seem to dig for myself and scare me into some appropriate action.

As a nutcase I'm the kernel extraordinaire. Pity really I never mean any harm in anything I do, but mastering life seems beyond my comprehension when matters of the heart take hold.

With this knowlegde and my recent experience I must try harder to gain the wisdom necessary to stop making a complete bollocks of myself.

As my old teacher used to say, 10,000 lines x 'I must do better'. Only stop writing when the pain gets unbearable. Now I know that the pain is truly unbearable.

One day I'll get it right. It's a promise I will keep if only to prove to myself that the rainbow and pots of gold are not just a dream.
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