Friday, 4 April 2008

Alphabet Soup

From the discomfort of a sofa it is easy to look back in wonderment at life.

Thirty five years before the existence of Mr. October, there were adolescent dreams.

An ability to vocalise tuneful endevours let me into the land of electric music. I was a member of a band. For its day a fairly successful band. What did not appear as hard work and industry brought laughter, excess and a proclivity of sexual variety. A level of success made small town liasions particularly easy. Return visits meant we had a finger in every pie. In fact, sometimes more than one finger from more than one hand. Oh how the pies were tender and tasty. As long as the mystical age of consent had been assured a willing body or two were often shared. Fumbling in the back seat of a Ford transit van while others roared encouragement became the norm for every card carrying member. We were after all eager and lusty youths. Keeping score was never considered, there was too much on offer for that. We devised a different method of teenage corruptive thought for our 'alpha' male combat.

Shag the alphabet.

Simple really. Start with an Ann or Angela and finish on a Zoe or Zelda. First to the goal got a clap on the back from the others. 'Clap' being the appropriate word. The greater part of the 'game' was never just to score, that was easy. It was much harder to find a Queenie or Xavier. Particulary when at least seven of the group wished to proclaim undying love within an hour of the show finishing. In hick town there was a definite shortage of exotic names. But I managed it. Twice round to my credit. Dreams of past glories can make loneliness bearable.

With an over-developed right arm I scratch all the bits of me that need scratching and wonder what giddy heights my other partners in crime of that bygone age managed to achieve. Did they also make it to the sofa? If I live long enough one day I may find out.

That was long before the albatross flew into my life.

In fact, between those heady days of rock and roll and my downfall, I had already acquired a sweet and innocent bride. A sunday school teacher no less.

That of course it a tale for another day.

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