Tuesday, 29 April 2008

An Interview with Doctor Frankenstein

D.F.: Well Mister October seems you’ve taken up my role of creating monsters.

M.O.: Seems so. Difference is you knew what you were doing.

D.F.: And you didn’t?

M.O.: No.

D.F.: I can’t buy that.

M.O.: I can. I have to or I’d go mad.

D.F.: Didn’t you learn anything from my story?

M.O.: Not sure what you mean?

D.F.: Well I put together a head and a heart. Which one are you following?

M.O.: I suppose my head.

D.F.: Pity help you only a fool follows his head.

M.O: Right then from now on I’ll follow my heart.

D.F.: I n your case that’s even worse.

M.O.: I’m confused, so what should I follow then?

D.F.: Your soul.

M.O.: What do you mean?

D.F.: If you follow your soul your head and heart will be on equal terms.

M.O.: Isn’t that painful.

D.F.: Sometimes.

M.O.: Don’t fancy that.

D.F.: You can’t escape it, all roads lead there eventually.

M.O.: I’ll bear that in mind.

D.F.: There you go again thinking, will you never learn.

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