Friday, 16 May 2008

Uno to Earth

I have decided that I must be the subject of some cunning ploy. It seems the planet Earth is out to upset me. More correctly everyone on it. There are a few exceptions. The deaf, dumb, blind and insane hold sway in my court.

I am constantly amazed at the inability of others to accept critism. I have no option, it happens to me all the time. Others however are less likely to agree with my definition of their behaviour. Particularly when they are obviously at fault and I vocalise such.

Impresssing me is not easy. Previous respondants to my scribblings will already know this.

Relationships do not hit the bullseye in my archery competition. No reference to Cupid is intended. I am talking in general. From shopkeepers to streetwalkers I cannot for the life of me fathom out what makes this whole chaotic society tick. I know I am not alone, but few talk back.

If you are another alien lifeform please get in touch. You do not even need to speak the grammatical form of enlightenment. Brief monosyllabic efforts can be translated without expending unnessecary energy levels. If you are from the planet Uno all the better. Wavelengths will be commensurate with my own abilities.

Replies make the future brighter and convince me there will eventually be a sunrise over the asylum.

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