Thursday 5 June 2008

Getting back to the furniture (sorry future!)

The intrepid duo of Bill and Ben can never be far from your mind once you’ve opened up to their memory. Considering this was a hospital where gainful employment should have been taking place the potential for endless fun was not lost on this pair of jokers.

As a maintenance plumber Ben had ‘access all areas’ this included the hallowed ground of the nurse’s home. For the uninitiated a nurse’s home was a kind of NHS brothel. Not all the girls were of easy virtue I may add but where there is a congregation of young, willing and eager then it stands to reason some would be young, willing and eager. Many a gentleman caller would be smuggled past the sleeping security team. That after all is the job description of security guards the world over. They are employed primarily to sleep. Some of the more advanced types graduate to watching CCTV, or television by another name. In between sleep duties I may add.

Ben was not averse to helping himself to a couple of ladies under garments. The kind that had the double initialed store labels were not what this ‘panty’ thief was after. He only took the more evocative and provocative samples for his collection.

At this point you could be forgiven for thinking Ben was no more than a kinky old pervert. This could not have been further from the blind lady with the scales of justice. What Ben had in mind was depositing his ‘finds’ in a kind of treasure hunt. The only problem was you had no idea you were involved. The hiding places were usually under the passenger seat of your car or when he was feeling bolder the glove compartment. Try explaining that one to the wife.

Luckily I at this point in my life did not have a wife. Neither did I have a car. I did have a sense of humor though. Glad to have met these two rogues. They make the sofa a little more comfortable of an evening.

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