Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Hard to believe it had taken me over fifty full revolutions of this planet to work out I didn’t belong on this planet. At least that’s the way it seemed to me.

I had made an artform of not fitting in. As long as I remained in this frame of mind singular activities of the flesh would have to suffice. Not the most pleasant of thoughts forevermore. So an actor I became.

Like Gollum I too wished to visit the ‘Crack of Doom’. All I needed to do was find the appropriate ‘ring bearer’. Preferably without the company of Sam Gamgee, a fat hobbit with big hairy feet wasn’t my idea of a threesome.

But where could I look next? I had exhausted all the ‘normal’ avenues, internet sites, coffee houses, and singles clubs. How about I try my hand at speed dating I thought.

Unaware that this circus only travelled in the same direction, I found to my horror that like Russian roulette the gun is loaded around every sixth spin round the chambers.

Have you ever met a bi-polar frog on speed? May I suggest you try this form of embarrassment as an option before you offer an answer? This was a beetle drive for ugly people. What's more a press advert suggested this was 'a way to meet interesting and exciting people of similar interests'.

God help you earthlings if this is a factual statement.

And so, once again I found myself in the company of bollock scratching, sofa surfing and dispelling seed into a paper handkerchief.

Juliet, oh Juliet, where art though Juliet? Or Samantha, or Wilma, or Josephine.


JW said...

Speed-dating is one thing I never had any desire to try my hand at. Having read your cautionary tale, my desire to do so is now well into the negative.

Having decided to be an optimist, I have to believe that your Juliet is waiting out there for you somewhere. However, I suspect she has far too much class and discernment to be found speed-dating ;^)

Mr.October said...

glad to be of service ro. speed dating and bear bating have about the same level of moral turpitude.

Joanna Cake said...

I cannot imagine anything worse. The pressure to try to make yourself appear worthy in 2 mins. Nasty!

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