Tuesday 6 May 2008

All around my hat

Being at peace once in a while it a wonderful experience. It doesn’t come naturally to me. In fact, it doesn’t come naturally to most people I know.

When you hear it said that everyone is searching for something or someone, I am now of the belief that’s not entirely accurate.

The essence of peace is an absolute. It is an acceptance of yourself and your lot warts and all. Society today offers that we have a fix for anything and everything. From children to grown ups everybody plays the game that all of life’s ills do not start at their doorstep. No sir, no one but the collective is at fault, every individual believes they are blameless. It is what we are conditioned to believe. It makes for a lot of huffing and puffing and defensive posturing from politicians, and any other body that thinks it has a right to a voice. What happened to the quiet man? is he not allowed a voice also?

Going placidly amidst noise and haste is quite an achievement in this day and age. It is won only on the battleground of broken dreams and denied expectations. It’s about time society accepted failure as it’s right and take it’s collective hat off to the individual who says ‘you know what, stuff the lot of you, I’m off for a trek round my head. By the time I return I hope you’ve sorted your own mess out because that’s what I intend to do’.

Am I the voice of one, maybe so but we’re growing. Come the revolution brother all the square pegs and round holes will link arms and laugh at how ludicrous it is to make everything so prescriptive that we are destroying the essence of life itself.

Is this a philosophical answer? Put me in a box, I don’t care, I’ll be in one soon enough anyway.

Make way for the meek, they shall inherit the earth. However who ever suggested that the meek will be human must be as mad as the mercurial hat I inhabit.

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