Wednesday 7 May 2008

Duck Billed Platypus

During a recent brow furrowing experience I got to wondering about the duck billed platypus. Now you know I’m nuts!

Anyway, front and centre students, how do you expect to qualify if you don’t pay attention?

Does the platypus know of it’s likening to a duck? Is it happy about such a reference? Does it find it insulting in any way?

For that matter how do the ducks feel about this? Will Teals and Mallards join forces and march on Government buildings the world over? Will there be protests, or even riots at such a blatant misinterpretation of their physical appearance?

Probably not; they will all just quietly swim along in their own ponds getting on with the daily chore of feeding themselves and their offspring.

So why can’t man be as sensible as the ducks, or for that matter the platypus? Have we not yet evolved to their dizzy heights?

Such questions indeed. Questions only the lunatic who resides in Room 48 of the East Wing has the ability to answer. Think I’ll ask him quietly before lights out tonight.

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