Saturday 5 April 2008

Wanted: Solvent man for desperate gargoyle.

As an available man others often ask how and where I meet my women. I tell them a variety of truths. If you can avoid the fifteen year old boys who borrowed a photograph of their sister for a laugh then free internet sites are not a bad place to start. The paid dating sites are worth a look-in but they really are full of lonely hearts. Should you meet any of them, no wonder their lonely. In ‘phishing’ these sites are unstoppable. One curious visit ensures a subtle attack of visually attractive playmates apparently just waiting for you. Better still these ‘goddesses’ of supreme stature are intensely interested in your middle aged spread and empty bankbook. They just can’t wait to join you in the comfort of your sofa. All you need do is paint your credit card another shade of red and wait for their call. Vulnerability and loneliness are best friends of the ‘by subscription public desperation channels’. The song of the siren still exists, just re-branded and packaged for today’s marketplace.
Apart from being extremely unattractive desperation is not good for the immune system. Although it wasn’t always this way nowadays I know which side of the bars I’m on when I visit the zoo.

On the grand tour it’s always fun to stop at the monkey house.

A favorite haunt of mine is any coffee shop anywhere on this planet. An unattached female with a spare seat at her table is asking for my presence. When I’m on the hunt she is given the opportunity of a lifetime. You’d be surprised how many accept. By now you can tell I’m more of a lone wolf than a pack animal. For me it’s much easier to count in single digits. Better still, I’m safe and content with this.

On one such visit my life experience changed forever.

A chance espresso brought tales of childhood romance and remembrance. I had known this girl in my formative years. As we skirted around the pleasantries everything was rosy, until the mention of her ex-husband. As if by magic at the mere expression of his name a gargoyle appeared. Apparently he had ‘run off’ with a girl half his age. As her face changed it made complete sense to me. Moving beyond the help of Max Factor seldom keeps a man's attention. We are after all firstly visual animals. Women who can balance and play to this weakness usually have higher intelligence. That in itself can be even more attractive. You may disagree. I don’t care. This is my game and my rules are what I play by. If you have a different set of rules don’t come into my playground. As my interest waned she enquired about my availability to join her on Saturday evening. I told her I was mid way through a ‘snorkeling’ exam and needed to study. I read the signs. Stalking is not a sport I perform or engage in. Taking my leave I had the certainty I would not be visiting a well known singles club, at least not that weekend.

Two weeks later though I did. Welcome to another chapter of my life.

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